Claremont, Cape Town
Being able to visualise a dream for the future can be very powerful. Putting out an intention and direction can give a sense of motivation and empowerment.
For me, setting an intention brings clarity. It is about creating meaning and purpose in what I do in my work, with clients and in my personal growth. Setting intentions can help focus you on why you’re doing something (clarity), why it’s important to you (meaning) and how it moves you closer to your values (purpose).
Yet before you can begin, you need to remove what blocks you and keeps you in a holding pattern. This can often look and feel like being unmotivated or stuck. By letting go of what is holding you back, you are able to remove the focus from your own insecurities and start to silence the negative or critical voice in your head and begin to show your true character.
This workshop allows you to move through those blockages and connect with your intention and dreams for yourself. You will be creating an intention board, which is similar to a vision board, but focuses on the feeling and state of being you wish for yourself and then, with intent, build a visual image of what that looks like for you.
We would like to encourage you to allow your mind to wander without restrictions and give yourself some time to focus on your authenticity and dreams with intention.
For more information, or to register, please feel free to contact me on 083 379 4556 or email me on .